We are the guru’s that’s right, but we wear pants and don’t lounge around on a rug speaking about our enlightened sense of being. But, we are a guru team in the sense that people come to use from around the world in order to ensure that they are getting their credit questions answered. We are the team that you need to have on hand in on order to get your credit repair service staking care of.
We are offering our new clients FREE consultations, and all with a well trained credit repair team. Our group of locally based personnel are ready to help you when you need it. We are completely trained and only use 100% legal tactics to help you raise your credit score. When you give us a call you are not only going to be privy to an action plan, that puts you in the drivers seat, but you will also be able to hop on board and get a FREE CONSULTATION..
It’s not a simple this is what we do when you call either. What we do is gather your infuriation and then based on that.
We are specialists in our field, and have the time, talent and resources to get you where you need to be. We raise our clients credit scores by at least 30 points and work on average at attaining a 60-100 percent increase in credit score ratings.
It’s free and at no obligation for you to check it out. Contact Continental Credit Repair today, you local San Jose credit repair fixers.